FUCHS Event + Incentive GmbH - Team

Get to know our
FUCHS-Team team

Events and incentives by FUCHS. Cleverly done.

Get to know our FUCHS team

FUCHS Event + Incentive GmbH

Dresden, Germany and Europe

We look after your event

FUCHS Event + Incentive GmbH


Send us a message

FUCHS Event + Incentive GmbH

Give us a call

+49 351 479 30 0

30+ years
Event experience

FUCHS Events + Incentive GmbH (3)

When long-standing expertise
meets creativity

For nearly three decades, we've been creating unforgettable events in Dresden and beyond, crafting unique experiences. As a owner-operated agency, you benefit from our extensive experience, exclusive insights, and our constant quest for creative innovations for your event.

Über 0Erfolgreiche Events
Über 0Glückliche Teilnehmer
Über 0Partner im Netzwerk
Über 0Zufriedene Kunden

We introduce ourselves:

Susan - Fuchs Events & Incentives GmbH
Susan Uhlemann

Managing Director

Susan Uhlemann ist Geschäftsführerin bei FUCHS. Sie bringt wertvolle Erfahrung aus ihrer Zeit bei einer Londoner Incentive-Agentur sowie einer Stuttgarter Management-Agentur mit. Verantwortlich für Strategie und Management hat Susan ein Faible für große Kunden-Events, die „en detail“ geplant und umgesetzt werden, sowie für Auslandsincentives.

„Ich liebe den Weitblick und die strategische Entwicklung unserer Agentur. Bei Auslandsincentives kribbelt es sofort und ich plane mit viel Vorfreude darauf, meine Destinationsbegeisterung auf die Teilnehmer zu übertragen.“

This is what the team says about Susan:

„Am meisten schätzen wir ihre Unterstützung und Hilfsbereitschaft sowie ihren Optimismus und Ihre Empathie. Susan hat mit ihrer diplomatischen Art immer eine gute Lösung parat.

Hätte Susan eine Superkraft, dann wäre es das Fliegen: Sie hat immer den absoluten Über- und Weitblick und sieht das große Ganze.“

Veronika - Fuchs Events & Incentives GmbH
Veronika Schindler

Managing Director

Veronika Schindler ist Geschäftsführerin bei FUCHS und hat bereits ihr erstes Praktikum während des Studiums bei FUCHS absolviert – sie kennt die Agentur wie keine Zweite. Mit Vorfreude auf das erfolgreiche „Tschakka“ danach konzipiert sie besonders gerne komplexe Tagesveranstaltungen, Teambuildings und Outdoor-Events.

„Ich mag es sehr, im Team und gemeinsam mit unseren Partnern die passenden Puzzleteile zu einem komplexen Event zusammenzusetzen. Das Beste ist dann der Moment, in dem der Zeitplan auf die Sekunde genau aufgeht.“

This is what the team says about Veronika

„Am meisten schätzen wir ihre fröhliche und kreative Art, ihre Hilfsbereitschaft, Humor und positive Energie.

Hätte Veronika eine Superkraft, dann wäre es das Kraftfelder-Erzeugen: Sie kann den Raum um sich herum in solch positive Schwingung versetzen, dass sich die Menschen in ihrer Nähe sofort wohl fühlen.“

Olivia - Fuchs Events & Incentives GmbH
Olivia Schurz

Junior Project Manager

Olivia Schurz is the junior project manager at FUCHS and has already gained initial event experience at city festivals as well as at the stage ball of the Landesbühnen Sachsen. With enthusiasm for the varied activities in the event industry, she supports the FUCHS team as its youngest member.

„Am liebsten mag ich an meinem Job, den Teilnehmern eines Events unvergessliche Erlebnisse zu bieten und positive Emotionen zu wecken.“

This is what the team says about Olivia:

„Am meisten schätzen wir ihre ruhige und gelassene Art, ihren Fokus und Qualitätsanspruch an sich selbst sowie ihre schnelle Auffassungsgabe.

Hätte Olivia eine Superkraft, dann wäre es das Hellsehen: Noch bevor ein Problem überhaupt auftreten kann, hat sie es bereits gelöst.“

We take over for you:

FUCHS History


Founding of the agency by Christiane Fuchs

1994 / 1995
1994 / 1995

Susan Uhlemann and Veronika Schindler join the FUCHS team


10th anniversary of the agency


Susan Uhlemann is once again working for FUCHS in the marketing department.


Takeover and continuation of the FUCHS brand by Susan Uhlemann and Veronika Schindler


Rebranding to FUCHS Event + Incentive GmbH and new brand appearance

Starting from 2013
Starting from 2013

First major events for local and regional companies as well as expansion of partnerships with Dresden-based partners


We're celebrating "17+3" = 20 years of FUCHS


Major corporate and anniversary events in Berlin, Leipzig, Stuttgart


First international incentives in Rome and Prague

Starting from 2017
Starting from 2017

Expansion of core business in Dresden as well as regular events in Germany and across Europe

Starting from 2019
Starting from 2019

Increased focus on events and incentives in Leipzig

January 2020
January 2020

Move to new office spaces between the main train station and the university

2020 - 2022
2020 - 2022

Adaptation of the portfolio to the conditions of the pandemic, conducting digital events

Starting from 2022
Starting from 2022

Leipzig becomes another FUCHS location


30 years of FUCHS


We continue to grow with our regular customers and organize sustainable corporate events in Dresden, Germany, and across Europe

Your career at FUCHS


We are happy to work with students who wish to complete an internship with us as part of their studies. The minimum duration should not be less than three months.


At the moment, our team is complete. However, we always welcome exciting applications at bewerbung(at)fuchsincentive.de


We are always happy to collaborate with experienced freelancers from the event, marketing, or graphic design sectors and look forward to being contacted directly!

FUCHS & social engagement

Social commitment and social responsibility are important to us as a company with regional roots. Both are part of the values we live by.

FUCHS & social engagement

Social commitment and social responsibility are important to us as a company with regional roots. Both are part of the values we live by.

Are you planning an event or incentive?

Have a look at our portfolio

Whether you're planning a traditional company event, a motivational team-building activity, or a glamorous gala evening, we're here to advise you on your upcoming event. Take a look at our portfolio or contact us directly through our contact form with a message.

Are you planning an event or incentive?

Have a look at our portfolio

Whether you're planning a traditional company event, a motivational team-building activity, or a glamorous gala evening, we're here to advise you on your upcoming event. Take a look at our portfolio or contact us directly through our contact form with a message.

FUCHS Incentives Kontakt ICON

Write us a message.

Would you like an unforgettable event that is tailor-made for you?
Let's discover in a personal consultation
how we can bring your vision to life together.

Veronika Schindler

"I really enjoy working in a team and, together with our partners, putting together the right puzzle pieces for a complex event. The best moment is when the schedule aligns perfectly down to the second."

Responsibilities at FUCHS


Product Development



Project Management

Olivia Schurz

"What I love most about my job is offering participants of an event unforgettable experiences and evoking positive emotions."

Responsibilities at FUCHS

Graphic Design

Social Media



Junior Project Leadership

Susan Uhlemann

"I love the foresight and strategic development of our agency. When it comes to international incentives, I immediately get excited and plan with great anticipation to share my enthusiasm for destinations with the participants."

Responsibilities at FUCHS





Project Management

Let’s talk personally about your project.


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